TestArchitect Release Notes

TestArchitect 8.4 Update 5 Release Notes

Release Date: June 2019

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  • Please note
  • Before upgrading to the latest version of TestArchitect, it is strongly recommended that you back up all repositories.
  • A TestArchitect client and any repository server to which it connects must be the same version.

What's New in TestArchitect 8.4 Update 5

The following new features and improvements are introduced in the latest version of TestArchitect running on Windows.

TestArchitect Client

New features

  • Team Foundation Server bug tracker integration - allows you and your team to easily keep track of bugs with TFS by associating them with TestArchitect bugs.

    • You can collect bug issues in TFS and track them in TestArchitect via the Track Known Bug feature.

    • TestArchitect can also submit bugs directly to TFS.

    • TFS support fields, including User Defined Fields, can be synced with TestArchitect.

    • Based on test results, TestArchitect will suggest status changes for TFS bugs.

    • Additionally, it’s possible to attach HTML test results from TestArchitect to TFS bugs.

Enhancements to existing features

  • User-Defined Fields for Test Steps – TestArchitect now allows you to create User Defined Fields (UDFs) for Test Steps. A UDF enables you to store additional information for project items. Test step UDFs will be displayed in the Steps List view as columns. You can easily upload these results to Zephyr when you use matching column names.

  • Distributed Result Storage now supports the Verify Picture Check feature.

  • Enhanced Add Repository Connection form - In previous versions, TestArchitect could only connect to one repository at a time. Starting from 8.4 Update 5, TestArchitect has a new and improved Add Repository Connection form. Now you can simultaneously connect to multiple repositories. Additionally, TestArchitect will provide a Connection Progress dialog so that you may view the status of these connections.

TestArchitect Automation

Enhancements to existing features

  • Support for Chrome 75 and Firefox 67: Now you can run automated tests for web pages displayed in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox.

Known Issues

  • Due to changes in the Web Driver coordinate calculation algorithm, built-in actions using coordinates may not work as expected when using Generic Web Driver Mode (GWD) on Chrome 75. For precision, please calculate your positions and coordinates manually.

  • NOTE: These changes do not effect non-GWD mode solutions.

System Requirements

The following table lists the recommended hardware and software requirements for TestArchitect.

Recommended system requirements
TestArchitect Client/Controller with small-scale Repository Server Production-scale Repository Server (up to 15 concurrent connections, 1GB repository)
Operating system Windows 7 or newer (Learn more) Windows 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 Server
HDD At least 2.5GB available space Available space of at least 2GB plus the total aggregate size of all databases
CPU 2 GHz dual-core or faster 3.1 GHz quad-core

Additional Resources

For more information, please visit our website at www.testarchitect.com or email us at [email protected].

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