Test Automation for Everyone

Scale up your test automation without coding
TestArchitect Team
No code automation tool to create automated tests in minutes, and execute across platforms
Desktop testing
Web testing
API testing
Database testing
Start for Free
TestArchitect Enterprise
The most powerful solution to ease reusability & scalability for larger-sized projects
All Team features
Unlimited Repository Servers, Test cases, Run time
Flexible Licensing models
Maintenance & Premium Support
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TestArchitect Run Only Agent
Execute tests in CI/CD pipelines or via the command-line interface.
Enable CI/CD integration and remote execution
Support all execution environments
Schedule & run tests in parallel
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Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.

+ What are the limits of the TestArchitect Team?

TestArchitect Team is suitable for a small team size. There are some limited usage data:

- Full TestArchitect Enterprise features

- 2 simultaneously-connected repository servers

- 100 created test cases/test modules

- 2 Floating licenses for each company/organization

- 50 execution hours

- Forum support channel

+ How do I purchase TestArchitect Enterprise licenses? How much does it cost?

Call us at (1)650-572-1400 or leave a message using the Contact Us form. Our sales team will contact you shortly.

+ Can I keep using TestArchitect Team after purchasing Enterprise edition?

No, you cannot. If your email account was already registered TestArchitect Team, it will be automatically upgraded to TestArchitect Enterprise after purchasing Enterprise edition.

+ What are the license types in TestArchitect?

There are three types of licenses:

- Node-Locked (legacy type, stop selling since 2022)

- Enterprise license

- Enterprise Run-Only license

+ What is Enterprise Run-Only license?

This type of license is used for test execution only. Typically, you can use these licenses on virtual machines to parallel your test execution. This is a floating license which can be shared concurrently by multiple execution machines and devices.

+ What is Enterprise license?

Under a Floating User License, TestArchitect may be used on one local network by different machines and devices at the same time up to the number of floating seats licensed. If a license is available, the License Server allows the TestArchitect application to run. When a user finishes using and closes TestArchitect, the license is reclaimed by the License Server and made available to other users.

+ Is it possible to upgrade legacy Node-Locked license to Enterprise license?

Yes. You can convert any number of legacy Node-Locked licenses to Enterprise licenses.

Note that node-locked license is stopped selling since 2022. Call us at (1) 650-572-1400 or leave a message using the Contact Us form. Our sales team will contact you shortly.

+ How does TestArchitect License Server work?

TestArchitect License Server (LS) is a free software used to manage purchased licenses. LS must be installed in a physical machine before you can start using TestArchitect . Normally, only one LS is required in your network. The LS is provided with the key, which specifies how many and what types of licenses this server may serve. In order to obtain license, you will need to specify the host name or IP address and the communication port from TestArchitect client to connect to the LS.
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1730 S. Amphlett Blvd. Suite 200, San Mateo, CA 94402

Tel +1 (650) 572-1400