TestArchitect Release Notes

TestArchitect 8.2 Update 6 Release Notes

Release Date: April 15, 2016

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  • Please note
  • Before upgrading to the latest version of TestArchitect, it is strongly recommended that you back up all repositories.
  • A TestArchitect client and any repository server to which it connects must be of the same version.

What's New in TestArchitect 8.2 Update 6

The following new features and improvements are introduced in the latest version of TestArchitect running under Windows.

TestArchitect Client

Enhancements to existing features

  1. Deleting TestArchitect projects containing project items is now supported.
  2. TAUtilities, a library which allows you to connect and retrieve data from a TestArchitect repository server, is significantly updated.

    • New interfaces and their associated methods are provided.
      • DataSetFolder interface
      • DataSet interface
      • ActionFolder interface
      • Action interface
      • ActionArgument interface
      • TestSuiteFolder interface
      • TestSuite interface
    • For the existing interfaces, additional methods are also provided.
      • Project interface:
        • getAction(): Returns the desired Action object based on the given tree path.
        • getActionFolder(): Returns the desired ActionFolder object with the given relative tree path.
        • getActionFolders(): Returns recursively a collection of action folders in the current project.
        • getActions(): Returns recursively a collection of user-defined actions in the current project.
        • getDataset(): Returns the desired Dataset object with the given relative tree path.
        • getDatasetFolder(): Returns the desired DatasetFolder object with the given relative tree path.
        • getDatasetFolders(): Returns recursively a collection of dataset folders in the current project.
        • getDatasets(): Returns recursively a collection of datasets in the current project.
        • getTestSuite(): Returns the desired TestSuite object with the given relative tree path.
        • getTestSuiteFolder(): Returns the desired TestSuiteFolder object with the given relative tree path.
        • getTestSuiteFolders(): Returns recursively a collection of test suite folders in the current project.
        • getTestSuites(): Returns recursively a collection of test suites in the current project.
      • TestModule interface:
        • getRevisionTimestamp(): Gets the value of the Revision Timestamp field in the current test module.
        • getURL(): Gets the value of the URL field in the current test module.
      • Result interface:
        • getWebLink(): Gets the value of the Web Link field in the current test result.
      • TestCase interface:
        • getURL(): Gets the value of the URL field in the current test case.

TestArchitect Automation

  1. hold key built-in action: Hold specified keyboard key(s) down.
  2. release key built-in action: Release the specified key(s) that were previously held down using the hold key built-in action.

Enhancements to existing features

  • Support for picture handling built-in actions on Android emulators.

Repository Server

  • Ability to specify a user account to start the Repository Server service either during the installation process, or via the Repository Server Control dialog box.


  1. global pos property on web automation has been deprecated. We highly recommend that you use XPath instead.
  2. TAUtilities: getVersion() method has been deprecated, due to the fact that the Version field of a project item is no longer available.

System Requirements

The following table lists the recommended hardware and software requirements for TestArchitect.

Recommended system requirements

  TestArchitect Client/Controller with small-scale Repository Server Production-scale Repository Server (up to 15 concurrent connections, 1GB repository)
Operating system All Windows versions Windows 2008/2012 Server
HDD At least 2.5GB available space Available space of at least 2 GB plus total aggregate size of all databases
CPU 2 GHz dual-core or faster 3.1 GHz quad-core

Additional Resources

  • For more information, please visit our website at www.testarchitect.com or email us at [email protected].
  • On a system with TestArchitect installed, help is available at:
    Start menu > All Programs > TestArchitect > TestArchitect Help.
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