TestArchitect Release Notes

TestArchitect 8.4 Update 2 Release Notes

Release Date: Nov 2018

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  • Please note
  • Before upgrading to the latest version of TestArchitect, it is strongly recommended that you back up all repositories.
  • A TestArchitect client and any repository server to which it connects must be the same version.

What's New in TestArchitect 8.4 Update 2

The following new features and improvements are introduced in the latest version of TestArchitect running on Windows.

TestArchitect Client

New features

  • The delete command is added to the TestArchitect command line tool. From now on, you can use ta delete to do a bulk deletion of local test results based on certain conditions from the command line shell.

  • Ability to configure the number of retries for a failed connection which the TestArchitect Controller establishes to a repository server. This helps users deal with an unstable network efficiently.

  • Users are prevented from changing the values of user-defined fields used in test results. If you adjust the value of a user-defined field on the Information tab of a test module, it will not take effect on the test result of this module. The test result will still adopt the default value.

TestArchitect Automation

New features

  • Partial support for Generic WebDriver: automated testing with WebDriver is within your reach. Numerous actions and setting are specially designed to better suit the behaviors of WebDriver.
    • The configure webdriver action is used for setting up an advanced test environment.
    • Popup Handling: the click popup action is used for clicking a button in a popup; the copy popup message action is used for obtaining the message in a popup; the enter value in popup action is used for writing text in a field in a popup.
    • Frame switching: the switch frame by path action is used for shifting the focus to the target frame defined by frame path whereas switch frame by destination is used for jumping to the main or parent frame.
    • Turning on and off the mode of automatic switch among window instances. If the mode is on, when you open a new window instance, the focus will be shifted to the newly opened window instance. Otherwise, the focus will stay in the current window instance. Furthermore, you can move the focus to another window using the switch window action.
    • Target browser instance offers you a choice whether the navigate built-in action opens a new tab, a new window instance, or overwrites the currently active instance with a new URL.

Enhancements to existing features

  • Support for Chrome 70 and Firefox 63: Now you can run automated tests for web pages displayed in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox.

Repository Server

  • Ability to configure the connection backlog size for a repository server – allows users to specify the maximum size of the queue used for holding pending connections to a repository server.

Known Issues

  • The repository memory is leaked after an enormous number of nodes connect to and interact with the repository server. A typical case is that 3 JPPF servers submit 13000 jobs to 72 nodes, and test results are sent to a repository server; as a result, memory leak occurs.

System Requirements

The following table lists the recommended hardware and software requirements for TestArchitect.

Recommended system requirements
TestArchitect Client/Controller with small-scale Repository Server Production-scale Repository Server (up to 15 concurrent connections, 1GB repository)
Operating system Windows 7 or newer (Learn more) Windows 2008/2012 Server
HDD At least 2.5GB available space Available space of at least 2GB plus total aggregate size of all databases
CPU 2 GHz dual-core or faster 3.1 GHz quad-core

Additional Resources

For more information, please visit our website at www.testarchitect.com or email us at [email protected].

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